Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rules variations

Writing a strategy blog for this game is pretty tough since there is no universally accepted scoring rules.  Some people use 2-4 scoring, while others use 1-6 scoring.  In addition, people score royalties differently as well.  Some use the high only royalty while others count all royalties and have them cancel each other out.  Currently, the app doesn't allow for positional placement advantage for starting hands (this should be added next week), so most people playing the app aren't strategizing starting hands according to opponents cards.  So, how do I write a blog that covers all these variations?  I guess I have a lot of material over the next several months.  Also, I would like some input or questions from you that I can answer in future blogs.

After talking with players from around the world who have downloaded the app, here are the three major rules variations I have seen.  I have included a screen shot of a hand below to illustrate the differences between the scoring systems.  I will do one scoring system each day.

Scoring system 1) this is the system on which I learned to play. It is also the one with the most variance and can have very big swings.  If you are a complete degen, this is the one for you.  Use the 1-6 scoring system with highest royalty wins.  So in the above example, here is how the scoring goes  before counting royalties: on the top line, martin(me) wins 1 pt from Ryan but loses 1 pt to John, for a net 0 pts for the top line.  In the middle, Martin wins 1 pt against both Ryan and John for a total of 2 pts on the middle line.  On the bottom, Martin also wins 1 pt from each for a total of 2 points on the bottom.  Net line scoring for Martin is 4 pts.
Ryan's top line results: loses1 pt to each of the other two players for a total of -2 pts.  Ryan's middle line results: loses 1 pt to Martin, but wins 1 pt from from John for a net of 0 pts.  Ryan's bottom line results: loses 1 pt to each player for a total of -2 pts.  Ryan's line scoring is a net -4 pts.
John's top line results: wins 1 pt from each player for a total of 2 pts.  John's middle line results: loses 1 pt to each player for a net of -2 pts.  John's bottom line points:  loses 1 pt to Martin but wins 1 pt from Ryan for a net 0 pts.  John's net line scoring is 0 pts.
Next is scoop points:  Martin scooped Ryan, so Martin is +3 pts and Ryan is -3 pts. John was not scooped and didn't scoop anyone.
Finally royalty points:  Martin has a full house in the bottom hand. Since the scoring is highest royalty only, the other players royalties do not count against Martin, so he is +6 pts from each player on the bottom line royalties.  Total of 12 pts in bottom line royalties.
John has a flush against Ryan, so John would get 4 royalty points from Ryan for his flush.  So John loses 6 pts to Martin, but wins 2 pts from Ryan for a net of -2 in bottom line royalties.
Ryan loses 6 pts to Martin's full house and 4 pts to john's flush for a total loss of 10 pts in bottom line royalties.
Martin also has a straight in the middle for another 4 pts from each player for middle royalty points for a total of 8 middle royalty pts.

There are no top line royalties this hand.
So our totals are:
Martin: lines 4 pts, scoop 3 pts, bottom royalties 12 pts, middle royalties 8 pts.  Total of 27 pts
Ryan: lines -4 pts, scoop -3 pts, bottom royalties -10 pts, middle royalties -4 pts.  Total of -21 pts
John: lines 0 pts, scoop 0 pts, bottom royalties -2 pts, middle royalties -4 pts.  Total of -6 pts

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