Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Calculating Odds

I know that people have been waiting for someone to come out with a good way to calculate odds for Open Face Chinese, so finally, I have come out with an app that does it for you.  This post is a little self promoting, but I have been working on this for months and am really happy with the outcome.  It is awaiting approval in the apple store, but should be available in the next 24 to 48 hours.  Below is a screen shot of a hand I recently played and will talk about the reasoning for the placement of the first draw.

The app is free to try, but I would appreciate supporting my efforts by purchasing the full version.  It is a little expensive as far as apps go, but is cheap considering the benefit to your open face play. (It was also expensive to make).  Anyway, thanks for the support and enjoy the app.

So the card I drew first was a 2d.  Ordinarily, I would not pair the top because there is no bonus for 22 and I am at risk for miss setting, however, I have a 67% chance to pair the middle and a 74% chance to pair the back.  My opponent has a bad hand to start as well, so I have a decent chance of scooping him if I hit my pairs.  

Now that I have this calculator, I will be posting more often and work through the plays vs the odds in open face.  Would love to hear some feedback.  http://tinyurl.com/lav5r2x

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