Monday, December 3, 2012

Scoring variations continued

The second scoring system is the same as the previous post with the exception of royalty scoring.  This is also the scoring system the I believe is being used for the PCA and LAPC open face tournaments.

System 2) 1-6 scoring as described in my last post.
Bottom line royalties: in this system, all royalties are paid out.  Martin wins 6 pts for a full house from Ryan, but Ryan gets 2 pts for a straight, for a net of 4 pts from Ryan.  Martin wins 6 pts for a full house from John, but John gets 4 pts for his flush, so a net 2 pts for Martin.  John wins 4 pts from Ryan for his flush, but Ryan wins 2 pts for his straight, for a net of 2 pts to John.

Middle line royalties: because Martin has the only royalty, it scores the same as the other system.  So Martin gets 4 pts from each player.
So royalty totals are:

Martin: +6 pts bottom, +8 pts middle, total of +14 pts
Ryan: -6 pts bottom, -4 pts middle, total of -10 pts
John: 0 pts bottom, -4 pts middle, total of -4 pts

Overall totals
Martin: +4 lines, +3 scoop, +14 royalties: total +21 pts
Ryan: -4 lines, -3 scoop, -10 royalties: total -17 pts
John: 0 lines, -4 royalties : total -4 pts

1 comment:

  1. This is how most of the pros are currently playing OFC.
